Violet's Distant Relatives
These are Violet's (see previous post) distant relatives, however, they vehemently object and deny any relationship--I think it's because they don't want to have any association with a family member who is a slut. Be that as it may, like Violet, they are paphiopedilum (slipper orchids) hybrids and their identities are also unknown. I bought these guys (and a whole mess of other goodies) from Geoffrey Beene's estate last fall. Geoffrey Beene was an avid orchid collector who had over 2,000 in his greenhouse. He passed away in September 2004 and his orchids were neglected since his death. I got them cheap since the tags had gotten lost and they could not be identitified since they were not blooming at the time. I brought them home and kept them under fluorescent lights in my basement, where it is about 5 degrees cooler than the rest of the house, and watered them once a week. Fast forward 3 months, and surprise, surprise...they bloomed, and yet they still can't be identified (by me any way). There are many orchid hybrids that look alike, some with only subtle differences, so it is not easy to identify them once the tag is lost. I am hoping some one can identify the paph in the top photo since it has unique mahogany streaking. These have been in bloom for 4 weeks and should last at least about 3 more. Mr. Beene had exceptional taste as evidenced by these two orchids that were in his collection. He would be pleased to know that his prized orchid collection survives and are well-cared for by the people who bought them. Most of them went to members of local orchid societies, like myself.